BI in Philosophy and Psychology …

2 min readJun 16, 2021

To unwind, we all space out and come back with an audacity aura to quench the fulfillment of being in a relationship. She sold all her paintings and saved every dime. $851: yet to fill the tummy of her piggy bank. She heard the auctioneer say about the masterpiece. It had 7 triangles, 5 squares, 3 pentagons, 1 circle, and three unique colors. She peeped into the ballroom to see the buyer. It turned out the buyer is milady who was dressed in one of the most unique colors, she had ever seen! She fled to the seamstress of the village to enquire about the stitches and colors. She also traveled to the surrounding villages to inquire about the clothes. All in vain. Eureka! So the logic is to be unique and create that masterpiece which no one ever thought of…

The painting was made in Braille. All requirements were met. Milady accepted the masterpiece.

Dear Readers: If you were thinking that my story ended too soon, then yes you are right. I didn't type out a big chunk- “why Braille?”, “How is this Business Intelligence (BI)?”, “What do philosophy and psychology have to do with Machine Learning?” Let us pause for a moment… Why did we think the way we did? Why did we expect the story to be more mysterious and longer, yet within the reach of our attention span: the noble “1 minute read”…?

Philosophy Vs Psychology

It is because we are all trained and we are now testing. We understand philosophy as we grow and that becomes our psychology #influence. We train over various stories, morals, limericks, novels, articles, and word-of-mouth scriptures. We set expectations in our mind, which passes everything else we read by a filter (this is testing the data from the trained set in our minds). To all those who think “right-brain functions different from the left”: In reality check, both do! To craft all this as stats is what BI is all about. Isn’t it?




Philosophy in action by Earth, for Earth, on Earth